The International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) was launched in 1985. The first long-term beech forest monitoring plots in Georgia was recently established in June 2021, a group of students of Ilia State University participated in the set up. The ICP BioBlitz lasted for three days and for students this included both cognitive and practical parts, as we discussed many interesting issues during this period such as proper forest management, sampling, soil types and more.

For three days we visited several research plots established within the project together with the German project coordinator Prof. Lars Drössler. In addition, we visited various areas of the nature reserve as part of the untouched forest as well as semi-occupied areas near the reserve.

The difference between the locations was obvious and the supplemental information clarified what a proper forest management can look like. I think this BioBlitz was educational for me personally, because today this is an increasing problem in Georgia, away from the the nature reserves, poachers are illegally seizing and destroying the uniqueness of both the flora and fauna of our country.
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