DNA-Barcode Comparison

Here you can compare one or more DNA barcodes (COI for now) with the Barcodes from CaBOL in order to get a classification for your unknown sample. Please copy and paste the content of a FASTA file into the search field below and choose the database to query.

One or more nucleotide sequences for identification using the FASTA format.

Search Parameters (CaBOL Database
BLAST task to use for sequence search.

Expected value for saving the sequences found.

Penalty for a nucleotide mismatch (at most zero).

Reward for a nucleotide match (at least zero).
Result Parameters

Here you can select the number of retained hits per query, and choose how restrictive the search will be performed. Higher values for Similarity will result in fewer matches.

Retained matches per query (>1).

Only matches with an identity higher to or equal to the chosen will be displayed in the resulting table. An identification to species level can be regarded as robust above 98% identity and reliable above 99%. Please get in touch with us if you need help with the interpretation of results.