We will meet online at 16.00 Tbilisi time (13.00 German time) via zoom - here is the link: https://uni-bonn.zoom.us/j/69128362836?pwd=bjZweHl5VzUxMCtSclQ5bHQ2RDdCQT09 Here is the agenda: (please...
CaBOL Data Management Group Meeting We will meet online on 01.02.2023 to discuss further improvements of the CaBOL Dataportal and the CaBOL homepage. Starting at...
We meet to discuss strategies for a CaBOL phase 2. Live at Bernard Misofs office and over zoom: https://uni-bonn.zoom.us/j/69177263111?pwd=T2o0M2VLY09qcmV1MFliWE5mTjdkdz09